A long time vegetarian once told me she could never eat anything with a face.

For me, the act of eating meat, particularly anything bone-in, began to feel more like performing an autopsy than enjoying a meal (maybe the dissection bench at uni is to blame). A lump of muscle on my plate or the leg of some unfortunate chicken are unappealing body parts.
. You eat chicken though, right?
No, I'm fairly certain it's an animal.
2. How come you don't ride a bicycle everywhere?
Choosing not to eat meat doesn't come with an obligation to save the world.
3. But humans are meant to eat meat
We can cope quite well without it. Maybe you should worry about all the processed food that we are certainly not "meant" to eat.
4. What if I gave you a million dollars to eat a steak?
Then I probably would - I'm a vegetarian, not an idiot. It should also be pointed out that choosing not to eat meat is not like joining a religious cult. Nothing bad happens to you if you change your mind.
5. Plants have feelings too
Let's see some proof of that.
6. How do you live without bacon?
Fair call, bacon is the nemesis of many a vegetarian. Pig meat however, does have a similar consistency to human flesh, a thought guaranteed to kill any such cravings.
7. I'm glad you're not all pasty and sickly looking like most vegetarians
8. Eww, what's that you're eating?
Do I peer into your lunchbox and make a face like a dropped pie?
9. You must really love animals
Doesn't everyone.
10. But meat is already dead
Yes, Einstein.
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