1. Why?
I don't know, why do you like the color blue? It's just a valid choice. Trust me, the first time you get asked this question, it's fine. So is the fifth. By the time you get to the 50th time, it's a little repetitive and feels like you have to defend your choices. Why not ask, "How did you become a vegetarian?" or "How long have you been a vegetarian?" Those questions are much more rare and sound way less accusatory.!
2. Is it some kind of religious thing?
Sometimes! But not always! Don't assume everyone has the same reasons for being vegetarians. Actually, don't assume! Does it really matter if it's religious or not?
3. But you're not one of those weird animal nuts, right? Right? [Awkward laugh.]
I went through a pretty intense animal rights activism phase in my early 20s and some would have definitely called me devoted. But no one likes being called a "nut," even if they are delicious. Plus, no one asks, "But you're not one of them animal-murdering nuts, are you?" when you order a steak at dinner, so let's leave the stereotypes out of it.
4. Humans were meant to eat meat.
Humans were also meant to dance naked in the streets and live outdoors forever and wipe their poop on their hands. Times have changed and what used to be a necessity is no longer. I don't have to eat meat, you don't have to eat meat, no one has to eat meat! And yet some people do! I'm not going to lecture you on your choices, so unless you have a scientific paper proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that I must eat a hamburger, I'm gonna do me, you know?
5. Where do you get your protein?
Lots of places! Tofu! Beans! Vegetables! Protein doesn't just come in meat (although that's what I used to believe.) I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years and I haven't been struck down with anemia, polio, septicemia, or any of the other diseases I've been warned can come from a lack of protein. To be fair, these diagnoses all came from my mother, who is not a scientist.
6. How do you know plants don't have the same feelings animals do?
One day science might discover that plants scream bloody murder as we gnaw on their fleshy green bodies and millions of children will rejoice when they're told they don't have to eat broccoli ever again. While this hasn't been discovered yet, what has been discovered is that animals do have feelings and have some of the same characteristics we do. They make friends, they have emotions, and most importantly they feel pain. I wouldn't eat my best friend, so I'm also not going to eat a cow.
7. But meat is delicious.
Yes! It is! I agree. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say here. Good talk
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