Some things I have tried, I would never ever do again. Of course some of these things are silly, and some are pretty serious. But here are only fifteen things, of the many many things, I would never do again.
1. Take 17 college credits in one semester - doesn't even need an explanation.
2. Eat escargot. It wasn't bad, but I don't really need to eat it ever again.
3.Ride the Thunderhawk Rollercoaster at Michigan's Adventure two times back to back. A little too many g-forces for me.
4. Go to the beach for twelve hours and only put sunscreen on once - sun poisoning is probably one of the worst things I've experienced.
5. Use self tanner. I'm too pale, and I turned to a slight Donald Trump shade of orange.
6. Apologize to someone who made me feel bad for being hurt by them. Pretty self explanatory.
7. Watch paranormal horror movies. I get these eerie nightmares for weeks afterwords, so I figured I should just stop trying to watch them.
8. Try to please everyone and anyone but myself.
9. Skip meals because I wanted to lose weight. That's probably the WORST way to lose weight to begin with..
10. Blurt out answers in class. It was even worse when the answer I said was completely wrong.
11. Stay up for 24+ hours straight. If you've ever wanted to feel what it feels like to be hit by a bus, that's a good way to find out.
12. Drink two or more energy drinks in one day. Probably shouldn't even drink one to begin with but sometimes you need that little push, but the crash afterwords is way worse than being drowsy to begin with.
13. Pulling sugar. Blazing hot sugar landing on my food safe gloves and melting the glove to my hand, and pulling the glove off really quick to stop the burning but actually pulling off a rather large chunk of skin. I'm pretty scared of sugar decorations now to say the least.
14. Not using a daily planner. My life was an all over crazy mess until I started using a daily planner. Now I get my assignments in on time and never miss appointments.
15. Spray bug spray over a bon fire. Just don't do it.
There are so many more things I would never ever do again. But those are (probably) my top fifteen. Still would rather try something and say "wow that was so stupid of me", or "I'm never doing THAT again", than look back on my life when I'm older and wished I had lived more, and tried all this crazy stuff. As always, think before you act, and stay safe!
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