Non Vegetarians usually get shocked after knowing that a person is not consuming meat. And then a meat eater tries to convert and make them the vegan people eat meat. We don’t understand what is so shocking about this? Well we have been eating vegetables since birth and luckily we are still alive. Most vegetarians believe in let live, so called the freedom which is a strong message for all human beings including animals. Question which arises to our mind is when human natural and normal diet is vegetables, then why do majority of people kill and eat animal’s bone and flesh.
Various benefits of turning oneself into vegetarian are that it helps in long living, healthier life, preserving earth, loving animals. There is an abundance of logical reasoning and research behind heath benefits after consuming vegetables. We have heard most common and irritating responses from non vegetarians to vegans, right? Anyways we present to you ten things vegans have to hear on their journey to vegetarianism, a vegan top ten list.
How can you eat ‘ghaas-phoos’ on a regular basis?
Non vegetarians especially think they are cracking a hilarious joke. But you know what; you people are not at all funny. Just broaden your horizon levels and understand that it is not ghaas phoos instead they are called vegetables, which are healthier then your animal meat, SO PLEASE!
Your favourite dish must be panner, isn’t it?
For a change every time it’s not that. Substitutes for meat are paneer no doubt, but for vegans paneer is never the last option. Panner smell delicious but most vegetarians didn’t give up eating this fake meat. Infact majority of the people don’t like paneer, cammon vegetarians have a better taste buds.
“Is it okay if I eat chicken in front of you?”
As if we will throw all non vegetarians out. How strange? Apart from meat there are really amazing vegetarian dishes out there.
“Where will you get your proteins from?”
Non vegetarians always feel that vegetarians might not get as much proteins they get from meat. But there are various sufficient sources vegans get from proteins on regular basis. Vegan people must challenge to all meat eaters to have a protein off day!
“Why are you a vegetarian? Is it because of your religion or there is something else, hmmm?”
Are you meat eaters kidding, ya we are vegetarians since birth and its obvious. They ask such irritating questions like do you love that’s the reason why you don’t eat meat (who doesn’t love animals that’s the biggest question?) There is a scientific reason behind being vegetarian – they are less likely to have any heart disease and basically live longer than meat eaters.
“You’re missing out on something great!”
What are vegetarians missing out? We are really happy to eat and consume vegetables at least they are better than meats which taste disgusting. You people should also know that if vegetarians want they can eat meat, but you people will starve if you won’t get meat? That the biggest difference.
The “plants are being killed too” disturbing argument
Last but not the least, the best argument between vegans and non vegans it this. Plants don’t feel the pain but animals do. We can at least plant when we cut them, but what will you people do? This argument is worth talking because we can really kill your conversation, but just ignore it.
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