Narcissistic people are people that suffer from the narcissistic personality disorder which is a mental disorder that causes people to have a distorted view of themselves usually overblown to make them seem perfect. But it isn’t as cut and dry as that or as “good” as that. Narcissistic people are actually worse. They not only have a false sense of themselves, but they also have literally no empathy for anybody. I mean none at all, they literally don’t care about anyone well, except themselves. Now that is one person they love. They love themselves so much, and that’s where the name “narcissist” was coined from the Greek myth of a young man called Narcissus who fell in love with himself. Narcissistic people are, to put it mildly, terrible people to have any sort of relationship with. You might ask why. That’s because they have some really terrible behaviors. They are very manipulative people and can scramble a person’s mind with their mind games notably gaslighting which a narcissist uses to make his victims feel as if they are going insane. That’s, not all they have in their arsenal of abuse, they are pathological liars, and that will never change, their love for themselves alone makes them the most selfish group of people on earth. They are very unscrupulous and would do anything to get to the top without feeling any bit of remorse. They are very very good at pretending and wearing masks so as much as you would like to be able to spot them a mile out, you can’t. I can assure you because I have had a personal run-in with them before. Everyone has a narcissist in them, but the level of narcissism is what counts, people who suffer from the Narcissistic personality disorder rank very high on the spectrum. From statistical analysis, there are more narcissistic men than women in America, and it might have something to do with the fact that most women are empaths to a certain degree. There are two types of narcissistic people. The overt narcissist who has the about-me personality and can be pegged quickly as a narcissist and the covert narcissist who displays characters like shyness, quietness and a distaste for the limelight. These are the more difficult ones to pin. But the trick is to pay attention to what they don’t do rather than what they do.
If you do it right, you can easily figure these covert narcissists out because their inactions speak louder than any actions they might take. If you pay close attention to them, you will notice patterns in behavior that point to the fact that their supposed shyness does not come from a good place rather they maintain their anonymity in a bid to keep their public image as perfect as possible. In case you did not know this, narcissistic people value their public images above all else and would do just about anything to preserve it.
How do you recognize these people? It’s really hard to especially when most of they occupy positions of trust such a preacher or priest and positions of power such as a doctor. It’s pretty hard to pinpoint them, and so in this article, I would be talking about 9 things that normal people do which they don’t do and cannot pretend to do so that you can figure them out as quickly as possible and word of advice; once you’ve discovered them, run.
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